Monday, November 15, 2010

indirect gaze, direct gaze

Kress a van leewen

The spectator's gaze:
that of the spectator viewing the text, i.e. the reader(s) of the text.

The Intra-diegetic gaze:
in a text, a character gazes upon an object or another character in the text.

The Extra-diegetic gaze:
a textual character consciously addresses (looks at) the viewer, e.g. in dramaturgy, an aside to the audience; in cinema, acknowledgement of the fourth wall, the viewer.

The camera's gaze:
is the film director's gaze.

The editorial gaze:
emphasizes a textual aspect, e.g. a photograph, its cropping and caption direct the reader(s) to a specific person, place, or object in the text.

The Gaze is a relationship, between offering and demanding

the indirect gaze
is the spectator's offer, wherein the spectator initiates viewing the subject, who is unaware of being viewed;

this picture makes me gaze the body then let's us to work out.
First time I saw this picture with a short glance, it was just a body. I couldn't accept this meaning easily but continuously I watch it,and then I get the point of this picture.

the direct gaze
is the subject's demand to be viewed.

he suggest us to join the army it force me to do something strongly.

In my opinion, there is a way to understand the gaze that is depended on the spectator's point of view.
Perhaps, it is a communication about the picture between spectators and artist to understand.

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